Municipal Consulting Services
Steckbeck Engineering provides a full range of consulting services for municipalities, municipal authorities, and school districts. We perform zoning, subdivision and land development (SLDO) program administration, SLDO plan reviews, MS4 permit compliance, stormwater management, traffic studies, bridge design and maintenance, parks and recreation planning and design, utility planning and design, and utility operations. We help municipalities comply with state and federal regulations, grant writing and applications, and addressing citizen complaints.
The first municipal client to hire Steckbeck on June 7, 1990 was West Cornwall Township Municipal Authority for the design of the Quentin sanitary sewer collection system. A few months later, we were appointed as the consulting engineer for West Cornwall Township Supervisors. Within a few years thereafter, were appointed by Cornwall Borough, Jackson Township, and North Lebanon Township Municipal Authority. Since that time, SESI has been hired by numerous other municipalities and authorities and has retained the position of Appointed Consulting Engineer for more than a decade for nearly all of them. In addition to those entities who choose to appoint us annually at their reorganization meetings, several other municipal and quasi-municipal entities hire us on a routine, case by case basis to perform a wide variety of their civil and environmental engineering work, including land development plans.